Father John Misty released a 90s nostalgia video for “Total Entertainment Forever” off his third album Pure Comedy. The video shows George Washington taking viagra and playing a video game through a VR headset. He selects his character “Kurt Cobain’ed” (played by Home Alone actor Macaulay Culkin) in which he is whipped by Ronald McDonald and crucified with saxophonist “Bilbo Clinton” and Juan Arbuckle (Garfield’s owner Jon Arbuckle).
Father John Misty vents his fears about the reality of technological advances in society. The first verse of the song eludes to the worry: “Bedding Taylor Swift/ Every night inside the Oculus Rift/.” Father John Misty explains in Songfacts:
The fact of the matter is, I don’t want that to happen to Taylor Swift. That is the worst thing I can think of; that is so horrible. But again, this plays into progress, where like, the internet was supposed to be this new democracy, a utopia of information where everyone had a voice and we were all interconnected, and we would experience true democracy — and it turned into pornography, followed only by outrage. The tools represent some kind of technological advancement, but if we can’t act like more than angry ecstasy freaks with the most advanced technology in the world, then how much have we really progressed? And if you don’t think that this virtual reality thing isn’t going to turn into sex with celebrities, then you’re kidding yourself. That face recognition stuff? I mean, there are people working on it right now. It’s absurd. Someone sitting with this headset on, you know?
Father John Misty debuted his fourth single on Saturday Night Live March 4th and has been featured on KFOG’s My New Song is Better Than Your New Song with his song “Ballad of a Dying Man.” Hear Father John Misty on New Music @ 9 and catch him live on October 7th at The Greek Theatre.