Imagine Dragons ‘Evolve’ and have fun in Reddit AMA

Evolve, Imagine Dragons’ 3rd studio album, hasn’t strayed too far from the band’s usual style of upbeat, energetic anthems, but their sound has definitely evolved since their year-long break. The Grammy award-winning band, incipiently known to be a group that was rough around the edges, have gone for a lighter, more “colorful” tone as lead singer Dan Reynolds describes in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything). Tracks like “Walking the Wire” and “Start Over” sound hopelessly optimistic in comparison to Smoke and Mirrors’ dark, and introverted tone of struggle and battle, and it’s refreshing.

“Believer,” Evolve’s lead single, is reminiscent of their 2012 worldwide hit, “Radioactive,” a song that not only cemented Imagine Dragons’ legitimacy in the industry as a force to be reckoned with, but also helped the band win a Grammy. Needless to say, the new album is littered with gems; from songs like “Thunder” to “Whatever it Takes.” But the fun doesn’t stop there.

In a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA), the 4 band members answered questions from fans all around the world in wake of their new album. We find out a few fun things from this thread: the band loves League of Legends, a globally popular video game; they prefer banana over pineapple; they believe aliens are somewhere out there, and their band name, Imagine Dragons, is actually an anagram for something that the band won’t disclose.

On a more serious note, they were questioned about their inspiration for Evolve and how the band is able to find the balance between writing a song for the masses that would sell versus writing a meaningful one. They answered:

I think we just like the music we like. We aren’t trying to cater to any one thing. We don’t really know what people will like or don’t like. We had no idea “Radioactive” would do what it did, or what “Believer” is doing now. All we can control is whether we like it or not, so we just stick with that.

Their Evolve World Tour begins September 26.

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