Inside Outside Lands: Cage The Elephant guitarist recalls working as telemarketer

This is the second episode in our Inside Outside Lands series of interviews. We found bands that took the stage this year at Golden Gate Park that we think are worth checking out.

No one wants to receive a call from a telemarketer. Even the best of us can get a bit testy on the phone with the person on the phone trying to sell us that car insurance.

Brad Shultz, the rhythm guitarist of Cage the Elephant, sat with Arthur Ballesteros before his set at Outside Lands. He recalled his days as a telemarketer before Cage hit the mainstream, and shared he would prank call those people that gave him attitude.

“Initially he’s cranky again, and he’s like, ‘Yes what!?'” Shultz told Arthur. “And you’re like, ‘John you’ve won!’ And he’s like, ‘What? What?’ Like, immediately their voice changes.”


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