I got pretty excited this morning when I saw that Grizzly Bear had released a video for their new song Mourning Sound. The latest single from the Brooklyn-based indie band was my pick for “My New Song is Better Than Your New Song” a couple of weeks back, and I’m still blasting it on a daily basis. The rhythm of this track is truly infectious. Fair warning, the video is semi-NSFW due to bare male butt cheeks, but they are shown in such a playful way that your boss probably won’t care.
The video for this song is not what I was expecting at all, but in true Grizzly Bear fashion, it’s artsy, off-beat, and a tad risqué (if you consider bare male butt cheeks being played like bongos risqué). It may take a couple of replays for the video to make sense, but in the meantime you be dancing along – and maybe even playing your butt like bongos.