Mornings on KFOG: Dr. Wali on the mental health effects of national tragedies

Each week, both Alicia and I look forward to having Dr. Wali in to debunk some of the ridiculous health articles floating around on the Internet. But this week took a more somber tone. Given the horrific events that took place in Las Vegas late Sunday/early Monday morning, I had to get Dr. Wali’s take on the effect tragedies like this has on the mental health of a populace as a whole.

Just a couple of weeks ago I left a concert before the headliner even got on stage because I got a strange feeling in my gut that something bad was about to happen. Nothing happened and I ultimately left for no reason, but ever since the attack at the Bataclan in Paris back in 2015, I have found myself uneasy at concerts. I constantly check for escape routes and scope out hiding places at the venue, but actually leaving a show out of fear of an attack was a first for me. I was upset at myself for allowing fear to take over and force me to leave a concert I had been excited to see for weeks.

Is this something others go through? Am I being paranoid? Is this an effect of media sensationalism? I felt as if something was wrong with me, but Dr. Wali had a ton of great advice on how to mentally and emotionally handle this very scary new reality that we live in. This is a must listen interview for anyone struggling to cope with large-scale tragedies in today’s world.

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