Courtney Barnett gets personal on anticipated new album ‘Tell Me How You Really Feel’

Photo Credit: Pooneh Ghana

Courtney Barnett is the woman you know for making lyrics like “The paramedic thinks I’m clever ’cause I play guitar/I think she’s clever ’cause she stops people dying” actually work. The 30-year-old Aussie’s entire career hinges on her ability to sun-soak the mundane with a flawless rock sensibility, a perfect sense of tone and timing, and inventive lyrical nuance. Her last album Lotta Sea Lice was created in collaboration with Kurt Vile (former The War on Drugs lead guitarist) but doesn’t stray from those expected peaks and valleys.

On her highly anticipated solo sophomore album Tell Me How You Really FeelBarnett digs a little deeper, contemplating life as it feels, with a perspective that reflects today’s world. To tease the album, she recently released the music video for the bright single “City Looks Pretty.” As Barnett puts it, “This album has been my own personal introductory study into human behavior and Psychology 101. How do you grab all those queries and opinions and tie them into one sensical song before it branches off into another rambling train of thought?”

If those rambling trains of thought produce anything like her previous albums, we cannot wait to take another tour through Barnett’s inquisitive, singular, and effulgently banal musings. Tell Me How You Really Feel drops May 18.

For a chance to see a KFOG Private Concert with Courtney Barnett on May 7, visit the contest page.

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