Photo by Daniel Silbert via RCA Records
Dayna’s Pick
Bleachers! Because Jack Antonoff is a genius. Most of his songs are about grieving and, not to sound all goth, grief is my jam. What does grief have to do with music? Everything! Music has always been the most healing thing in my life; especially Jack Anotonoff’s music. Last year at OSL, Bleachers was my favorite act. Jack brought so much energy and connected with the audience in a way that gives me chills just thinking about it. I got to interview him after his set and he was one of those people who is EXACTLY how you’d want them to be in person. Apart from the awesomeness of Bleachers, he’s either written or produced every great song that’s come out in 6 years. I can’t wait to see them again!
Danica’s Pick
I mean, come on… it’s THE KILLERS. I remember the first time I heard Hot Fuss I was completely blown away. From “Mr. Brightside” to “Smile Like You Mean It” to “All These Things That I’ve Done” to…how can you even pick your favorite?! They’re one of my top go-to bands to sing incredibly loudly to. Throughout the years, this band has been killing it (ha) with their upbeat and memorable hooks, most recently with the release of Wonderful Wonderful. Not to mention, Brandon Flowers is a true performer. The last time I saw them live was in December and I didn’t have a voice the next day; I am beyond excited to see them this upcoming weekend. Currently listening to “Human” as I type this.
Arthur’s Picks
Saturday is a bit tougher for me. There aren’t really any artists that I am absolutely in love with. There are a handful that are intriguing but I’m not going to be completely bummed if I miss any of them. Yeah, I want to see The Killers, mainly because I’ve never seen them before, but is it blasphemy to say I’m not the biggest fan? Probably, but I digress.

I am intrigued by The Record Company after watching them tear down the house at KFOG’s Concert for Kids this past year. Their bluesy sound and almost punk-like stage performance are definitely worth checking out.
Sure I want to see Snoop Dogg on the culinary stage with Martha Stewart. At this point in his career, he is far more interesting as a personality than he is as a musician. Plus, when I was 9-years-old, my dad took me took a Snoop Dogg concert after the release of his first album (my dad didn’t really speak English well, and I’m sure had no idea what he was agreeing to). That is definitely no place a child should ever be! But I’m happy that is the only time I’ve seen him live. Not exactly thrilled to see a middle-aged Snoop performing songs off of his newly released gospel album.
Honorable mentions to Bleachers, Oh Wonder, and Jacob Banks.
Alicia’s Pick
I mean, come on: weed is legalized this year and Snoop is doing Bottlerock? This performance alone will probably get you high – the contact high alone will be unreal. Plus Snoop is hilarious and always a good time. Definitely can’t wait to see what he cooks up on the Culinary Stage.