Afternoon Drive host No Name and San Francisco restauranteur Doug Dalton are bringing you the latest in tech, nightlife, and music in the Bay Area and beyond! This week, Doug discusses the nightclub hitting the Las Vegas strip that is not trying to be a nightclub at all.
Nick Fotheringham and Jonathan Borchetta are seeking to bring the geek out of Sin City with their latest bar venture, The Nerd. Says Borchetta:
I wanted to do a comic-con-themed venue. It’s a self-indulgence really.
Fotheringham had been working in video gaming and esports for nearly two decades, already having opened a video game arena in Vegas. The business partners ran into each other at the Consumer Electronics Show and decided to join forces with their shared vision and pertinent experience. Says Fotheringham:
You can spend a lot of money at a club to pretend to have a good time. They bring in celebrities as a draw, but they’re in the front of the club and you’re in the back, nowhere near them. That’s not what we want here.
Adds Borchetta:
If you watch every big movie release and every video game, you’ll notice that these genres are multibillion-dollar industries. Everybody’s a nerd in some shape, form or fashion.
They plan to nix dance/pop music in favor of instrumental covers of video games and cinematic soundtracks. The Nerd offers a drink discount to any customers dressed in cosplay (as a character from anime/manga/video games/comics/etc). Listen below for the full scoop on The Nerd.