Artist Creates Soundwave Tattoos That You Can Actually Hear

Tattoos have always been a permanent mark of personal expression, and with new technology, that expression is getting loud. Los Angeles-based tattoo artist Nate Siggard and instrumental partner Juliana Damiano developed Skin Motionan app that allows waveform tattoos a one-minute audio clip playback through your mobile device. 

Siggard and Damiano got the idea after tattooing Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” on a couple of friends, getting Damiano thinking ‘wouldn’t it be cool if you could listen to the tattoo.”

The two entrepreneurs first tested their invention on themselves. Siggard has a soundwave on his leg of his girlfriend saying ‘I Love You’ over their four-month-old baby’s cry. Damiano has her dog Baci’s howl inked on her arm.

The founders have already received thousands of messages, the majority wanting to preserve recordings of deceased loved ones. Skin Motion will be available this June.

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