This June will mark the Red Hot Chili Peppers one-year anniversary of releasing their Danger Mouse-produced eleventh studio album The Getaway. Their first single “Dark Necessities” charted #1 on the Alternative Songs, Adult Alternative Songs, and Mainstream Rock charts, followed by their second single “Go Robot“, which landed #12 on the chart. Their third single “Sick Love” failed to land a spot in the charts and now the band has just released their fourth single, “Goodbye Angels”.
The music video was directed by Thoranna Sigurdardottir, aka TOTA, and stars actress Klara Kristin. “Goodbye Angels” was shot in Atlanta, Georgia during a live show. Drummer Chad Smith tweeted to fans:
Wear something colorful tonite Atlanta! Shooting Goodbye Angels video
— Chad Smith (@RHCPchad) April 14, 2017
According to Songfacts, guitarist Josh Klinghoffer got inspired after watching the Angels lose in the 2014 MLB playoffs:
I was watching the Angels lose a couple of years ago when they got taken out of the playoffs and that was a working title that stuck because it sort of made sense with the lyric. That was a song that just kind of happened, I think, as simple as that. I was watching TV and sort of watching that happen and took it into the band. And I think the day before I showed it to them, or around the same time, we had done what became the end of that song, just born out of a jam.
And I’m sort of the fierce archivist in the band and I listen to a lot of our rehearsals and I record them myself if we’re in a place that doesn’t have recording setup. And that particular one was done at Flea’s studio and I thought: ‘This is a fantastic bass part and this will make a great ending to a song’… And the trickiest part was whittling down the end because we could take it on for a long time; it’s just so much fun to play.
Although the premise of the song revolved around the loss of a baseball team, Kiedis wrote the lyrics about the breakup of his 2-year relationship with 24-year-old Australian model Helena Vestergaard (Kiedis is 55). She’s referenced in the lines: Serpentine, I think/ she was an Aussie/ Bloody hell, a common kamikaze/ Give up the ghost before you go under.
Keidis says is still unsure if he’ll ever be married:
Maybe it is because I never learned to live in a relationship. As silly as it sounds, I do not understand women yet. They remain a mystery. I talked about this yesterday with a friend: do we focus on finding a person who fits with us, or will we remain single? I am open to both. If the right one comes – wonderful. If not, I accept what the universe has intended for me.
We’ll see if “Goodbye Angels” can fly its way to up the Billboard charts. RHCP played Oracle Arena in March for The Getaway tour.