Sheryl Crow and St. Vincent release new song ‘Wouldn’t Want to Be Like You’

Feature photo “New York” video still (director: Alex Da Carte) via Shorefire

St. Vincent tweeted Monday morning “I was so honored when Sheryl hit me up to play with her. What a wonderful singer, player, songwriter and a rad woman to boot!!!”

This was in reference to Sheryl Crowe tapping her for her latest single “Wouldn’t Want to Be Like You,” which she tells Billboard is about “the climate of truth not being important anymore.”

“I called her and said, ‘I am dying to have you bring your St. Vincent-ness to this.’ And I said, ‘You will not hurt my feelings if you don’t like the song. And I sent it to her, and her response was, ‘Fuck yeah.’ That was a direct quote, as only Annie Clark can respond, which I loved. She did all kinds of stuff on it, and we pretty much used all of it.”

Fans can expect a new album from Crow, to follow 2017’s Be Myself, out in 2019. Check out their Bridge School Benefit performance of “Riverwide” together in Mountain View in 2015 below.

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